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Achieving Excellence for Every Child, Every Day.

Respectful. Resilient. Resourceful.


School Opening Hours (from Autumn Term 2023)

8:40am - 8:50am: children can come into school and go to their classroom

8:50am: Registration

3:20pm: Reception and KS1 end of day

3:25pm: KS2 end of day

If children do not regularly attend school, they cannot learn and evidence shows a strong link between attendance and children progressing and reaching their full potential both academically and socially. As a result, at Marian Vian Primary School we have high expectations of attendance from all pupils. We strive for every child to be in school every day, unless they are ill.

% Attendance in one school year

Number of days learning missed


0 days missed


1 week & 2 days missed


3 weeks & 4 days missed


5 weeks & 3 days missed


7 weeks & 3 days missed


9 weeks & 1 day missed

The Department for Education has issued new and stricter guidelines for absences to which schools must abide:

“Regular attendance is crucial to raising and maintaining high attainment. If pupils do not come to school, they cannot learn what is taught in a lesson, practise what has been taught, or improve on their performance. There is a clear correlation. Pupils who attend regularly achieve more highly.” (OFSTED Framework section 4.3)

To this end, no unauthorised leave will be given to children for holidays or travel during term time, except in exceptional circumstances. Such leave will be marked as unauthorised and the matter will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer who has the authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.